Thursday, August 28, 2008

Image Generators

Well, well, well ... aren't I just a clever clogs! I managed to create this flashing sign on the side of my blog here by using Imagechef. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get onto the blog - well, I actually had two for a while because I selected the option to add it to my blog but when I went to the blog it wasn't there. Of course, it was lost in cyberspace - so I went back and copied the URL instead and pasted it into this post. When I published the post I found I had two flashing images as the other image had eventually found its way to my blog. One had to go, so decided to keep the one in the sidebar.

These Image Generators are great to have a bit of fun with... jazz up greeting cards, customise photos, blogs or any online documents.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wiki Sandbox

Well I've been there and left my mark in the sandbox! I made some contributions to a few of the "favourites" pages and found it very easy to use - my problem was thinking of what to say. I can see how this application would be useful for groups of people wanting to share information etc. in their areas of interest.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wiki, Wiki, Wikis...

I'd heard about Wikis before but have never really looked into them so this has been a good opportunity to find out more. I can see how Wikis can be a very useful tool in getting people's knowledge and ideas out there and also the fact that information can be quickly updated. Of course, anyone reading the Wiki would need to appreciate that it is subjective and check other sources if necessary.

I loved the Book Lovers Wiki and think NSL could offer our patrons something similar. The Wiki was really well set out, easy to use and each title had a link to the catalogue so patrons could check availability. I can also see NSL using a Wiki for staff manuals and training documents - I found some other libraries have used and was impressed. I seem to think you can set editing restrictions which would be needed for this type of thing (?).

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Library 2.0

This exercise has certainly been interesting and thought provoking. The video was good - loved the way they got the message across... very much the way my written communication evolves these days (I could never go back to paper, pencil, or typewriter!)

I liked what Michael Stephens had to say in his article
Into a New World of Librarianship, which defines Librarian 2.0, as the “strategy guide” for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content and then explores the important traits of Librarian 2.0.

The Librarian today needs to be constantly thinking about what and how Web 2.0 technologies can be best utilised to meet the ever changing needs of our users. I see this as something that can enhance the service we have always offered not replace it. Libraries need to meet the needs of all its users and the Web 2.0 technologies are part of that but not all - people will still want the personal contact, a community meeting place or even an old fashioned book.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


As a search tool, I found Technorati easy to use ... but the screen itself very busy with all those adverts and information to wade through.

When I searched for Learning 2.0 as asked, I got 7,661 posts; I changed the search to the blog directory and got 914 results. I could only find the option to search for tags in the Advanced search and got 1,263 results (not sure if there was another way but at least I found that). Even 914 results are way too many for me to wade through.

Noticed you could change the language and authority. When I changed the authority from the default of some authority to a lot of authority the results went up to 7,761!

It was interesting to see what people consider to be the popular blogs, searches and tags ... but really! who has the time to go through all of this. When Paris Hilton, Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Aniston make the top 9 you really have to wonder who is looking at all this stuff in cyberspace. But then I suppose that is why there are tools like Technorati - to help those that way inclined find out the latest on Paris and the two Jennifers.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I liked the look of and searched through the bookmarks and tags and found it easy to use.
Just a bit of trivia:
Under the useful tag - "online alarm clock" with 1724 bookmarks
There is a site for Confusing words with 1063 bookmarks
155 bookmarks were added in the last minute

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Searching for RSS Feeds ....

I liked the look of Topix and Technorati and I found Bloglines easy to use because I was familiar with it from the last exercise. Syndic8 was far too busy, I didn't even go there.

I had a play around the sites and picked up useful bits of information at the time (like the lastest with the Olympics, breaking news, etc) and also managed to add another feed to my blog (Sydney Morning Herald). I don't think seaching for RSS feeds will become a new passion of mine!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

RSS Feeds - A few Lightbulb moments!

Well it took quite a while of being lost in the world of RSS feeds before the lightbulb finally went on!! I had actually created a Bloglines account and subscribed to some feeds without even knowing I'd done it ... but hey - I'll take the credit!

Now that I think about it (another lightbulb!!), my computer at home must be using an RSS feed because every time I open it, it opens onto a home page with the current news on it. I obviously didn't set it up because I didn't really know how it got there in the first place (I do appreciate having it there though) ... but then I have teenagers and things like that happen around our house all the time!

Another lightbulb moment was when I uploaded a feed of the NSL Exercises blog (see left) which enables me to access the Exercises blog from my own blog. I can really see the sense in that and it made me think that you could these RSS feeds for all sorts of things.

If you want to try it - Just subscribe to the NSL Exercise blog in your bloglines account and copy the URL address from there. Then go to your blog, click on Customise, Click on Add a Gadget, Select Blog List, Click on Add to Blog, Click on Add a Blog to your list, copy and paste the URL address of Exercises blog, then click on ADD, Add to List, then Save.

Will I actually use RSS feeds or bloglines ??.... I'm not sure - I'm not one for playing around on the computer unless I have something specific to do and I much prefer getting my information in the printed format! but hey, never say never ... a few years ago I wouldn't have been texting or emailing either.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's Technology that keeps me lost in Cyberspace!

Living in a male dominated household has meant that I never get the chance to use a remote, a video camera, work out the settings for the digital camera, download photos, set up configurations for computer, TV, steroes, mobile phones, etc. OK, I'll admit I am partly to blame, as when something new comes along, it's so much easier if it is already set up so all I need to do is ...well, just use it!

I know this state of affairs will have to change and change fast ... if I am ever going to find my way in Cyberspace. With the technology today and particularly what's available with the internet and world wide web I won't be able to rely on my "boys" to put me right ... I have to be able to do it myself.

So tomorrow ... I'll start by sending a text!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fun with Flickr and Flickr Mashups

You sure can spend (waste?) a lot of time playing around with Flickr! It's amazing what you can do and how it can encourage your creative side ... but I haven't got the time. Using Flickr to organise and save my photos and possibly make them accessible to family through the web is probably the most I'd use Flickr for. Although I did find Bubblr - using bubbles to put captions on photos - in Web Apps which is something I would use.

Anyway, I explored Montagr, used the search tag "Sydney" (keeping with my Sydney theme) and came up with a lovely mosaic. When you move the mouse over individual photos you will see a larger version - just a bit of fun and caught my attention because I like mosaics.

Thoughts on Flickr

I really like the idea of using a site like Flickr to organise my photos and know that they are safe and easily accessible. I'm not sure I would make them public though - not personal photos which are really the only ones I have. My husband is the one that downloads all the photos in this house - so I'll have to introduce him to Flickr!!

I would imagine Flickr would be wonderful for photography buffs - a medium for them to get their photos "out there", store them and to be easily found by using "tags".

I have had a look around the Flickr sight and found this photo which reminds me of home!
I have pasted the link for you to enjoy as well. You can also use the browse arrows on the Photostream (the the right of picture) to view more photos on Sydney. I used "tags" to find these images.

I opted not the get a Flickr account (so can't down load). I will leave that to my husband once I've told him about it and suggest he uses it for all our photos!!