Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thoughts on Flickr

I really like the idea of using a site like Flickr to organise my photos and know that they are safe and easily accessible. I'm not sure I would make them public though - not personal photos which are really the only ones I have. My husband is the one that downloads all the photos in this house - so I'll have to introduce him to Flickr!!

I would imagine Flickr would be wonderful for photography buffs - a medium for them to get their photos "out there", store them and to be easily found by using "tags".

I have had a look around the Flickr sight and found this photo which reminds me of home!
I have pasted the link for you to enjoy as well. You can also use the browse arrows on the Photostream (the the right of picture) to view more photos on Sydney. I used "tags" to find these images.

I opted not the get a Flickr account (so can't down load). I will leave that to my husband once I've told him about it and suggest he uses it for all our photos!!

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